"The Civil War wreaking havoc on your country has arrived in your hometown. You will maintain your job at the hospital, processing the flood of civilians affected by the war. Perform your job well, protect your family, and serve the State or risk termination from this position."

Loosely based on the concepts of "Papers Please"; 'Long Live the Mice!' is a choice based game mixed with RPG elements where you have to navigate through war ridden lands and experience the consequences of the war at your job in the hospital.
As the composer i had the task to bring the feeling of the various area's/lands and cultures to life. Where the tracks for one area are very Soviet-ish based, is in another area a very middle eastern vibe in the music.

Below you can hear some of tracks from the game:
"Long Live the Mice! - Main Theme/Anthem"
"Eyes in the Grass - Greaterstronk Combat Theme"
"Long Live Beshkazstine! Beshkazstine Anthem Theme"
Currently the game is still WIP, if the game will be live on Steam i will post a link!

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